Lyrics Radical Face

Radical Face

Old gemini

Evening in the garden

Surrounded by fireflies

We'd only just moved in

I spent my time alone there reading

and planted one thing a day

While shoveling the yard

my spade hit a metal box

And in it was a diary

The cover old and frayed

It said "I don't know how much time I have

but I guess we never really do

I thought that I would be terrified

but it's worse to watch them watch me

Sometimes I wish our lives were simpler

that we never had to stretch the food

That people here would treat my brother well

and that he would know he's good"

I laid out all those pages

and in my study typed them up

It was tough to say how old they were

I guess... years at least

The boy who wrote these words

Was an odd and complicated mind

But wisdom's often heavier

When found before its time

He said "We all get stuck in circles

but nothing moves in perfect lines

Connections underly the things we see

But to nuances we're blind

And I am never singular

I was born a pair to walk alone

My mirror shows the things im not

But it helps me feel at home"