Lyrics The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy

Can You Stand Upon One Leg

Can you stand upon one leg

It's harder than you think

If you can do it without falling down

You can do just about anything

Go on, see if you can

See how long you can stand on one leg

Can you beat your dad at chess

It's harder than you think

Sit him down at Christmas

Turn the TV off

Give him lots of chocolates and a drink

And he might give you a match

And when you've been duly dispatched he will laugh

Ha ha ha

And you'll say, 'one more game'

Can you write a silly song

It's harder than you think

One that's not too short

One that's not too long

One that can make everybody sing

Go on, give it a try

You might do better than I

It's just like trying to stand on one leg

Tell me can you tell a funny joke

One that makes you laugh out loud

One that makes the milk come out your nose

If you know a funny joke then tell it now...

...that's not bad, I'm impressed

But there's one final test

Can you hold a singing note for a stupidly long time

Well it's my party piece so let's make it a little harder

By starting it way up high

Come on, give it a go

Let's see how long you can hoo...oold on to a note!