With Flowers In The Garden Of Fires

You look beautiful still in the cloths

You wear in the photograph

(Falls to the floor and east dust and

Claims its NAME is FAME)

If you could saw the missiles that count time

As I have seen them (seen them) ride them

(I meant this, meaninglessly:)

"I am the hare with the eyes of coiled rope

Who draws the teeth of the lupine moon"

(Graceful Goat soars with his Christian ssilhouette)

The Hunter lounges beside (the Crown PPrincess) studded

with petals

(I boeaca al lupo)

Magnifies the Valley


In the Garden of Fires

(Atlanta howls for Peg Leg? Penetration)

(Gravels with Flamingo Park at Tishamingo)

"Come with me and take my hand

And walt the Gospel Milewide Smile

The head of the face (at the feet of the grace)

Of the grave of heavens

The fear on the tiny smile of silver-flash State

The agonised pain of collision of crescents

(Increased over the tables)

The apocalypse girl - Chiara in her hat

Sits and talks to atoms and planets

That descend from the trees

Bending their knees (before the summer ssunshapes)

She calls my name, knowing

She is famed for the flowers

That pour from her teeth

(Peacocks or pagodas worshipped them)

(In the maze of bulls and blood)

Sometime before Aquarius (shivered and gave)

Birth to murders in armous, yeah camouflage

Before the Star of the Seas contacted me

When we were still Aeons

Long long times ago

Haunted I wound string

Haunting them

Pulled umbilical cords from lovers' drams

Made savage thread (with cloud)

Worshipped pricks and frocks or creatures

(Creamed for the stones that) call OH LORD


(Camelhair and hood)

(The Mouse is Mort)

Look! The walker on the grass:

("Your pipe and guitar are becoming,

It's time to carve Mass"

Ebony or words for f(w)orms

Let's piss peace on shadows

The "Oh Yeah, Oh Death" chodus

(They roll like sores)

Over the wreckage of minor moons and white electrics

(Noise gauze film frets)

(Under the flat screet inflated chest)

Lectures on deséspoir (and existentialism)

(With marionetts and) points to the Queer Queen's Toes

In silk or shit or space