Mass Grave

Gather us, the end is near

Gather us into ashes

Everything turns to red, my eyes start to blur

I feel her tongue dance along my throat

Holding my head back, her cold lips on my neck

Erotic and merciless

My children around me

Close to fainting into a new life

A last family portrait

The flames of our gathering lick my fingers

Enjoy the first part of my skin

Celebrate what we are becoming

I recognize the black dog

And his vicious fingers dig into my flesh

On my cheeks flow the fear and farewell

I dream of the final kiss

Tearing my jaw off and splitting my skull in two

Decorating the room with pieces of bones and brain

The heat always getting stronger and the smoke thicker

Melting every piece of me uniting us in a black undead mass

Mass grave

I will enjoy the smell escaping from my burning meat

Remember the warm embrace of my lost mother

Mass grave

Ashes will dance together, we are but one

A pressure on my finger

Game over

Là où le vacarme oppresse suintent les encres indigestes

Qui rient en le vomissant

Les vocoïdes gangréneuses qui sifflent les meurtrissures,

la morsure des aiguilles et leur cannibalisation

Gravissent les marches branlantes, frôlent le résident

I will enjoy the smell escaping from my burning meat

Remember the warm embrace of my mother

Ashes will dance together, we are but one

A pressure on my finger... Game over