Yay! It's Pink!

My wife brought home this groupie slut one night

She was pretty hot, a sexy, slutty sight

We wanted a threesome with this stupid cunt

My wife licked my ass while the groupie sucked my front


“YAY! It's pink!” when she saw my cock

“YAY! It's pink!” she was used to niggers' cocks

“YAY! It's pink!” a stupid little cunt

“YAY! It's pink!” ...and she was born in the f**king


A rockstar groupie blowing me in my bed

She screamed, “Anal Cunt!” so I kicked her in the head

When she started to cry I slammed my fist in her ass

I was turned on by her tears so I came really fast


Gave most to my wife then gave the dumb slut a taste

But she was so annoying so I punched her in face

Looking pretty hot covered in with blood and my cum

Only 17, and so f**king dumb


The very next day we wanted her gone

She thought that we liked her; she was totally wrong

Her nigger came to get her so she started to pout

I yelled “Get your shit, and get the f**k OUT!”
