Lyrics A Balladeer

A Balladeer

Swim With Sam

Sam here says he lost his call

On the day Cousteau had died

The ocean was a tub of sharks

With Jacques-Yves as a guide

Sam here says the water's safe

That man should not have left the seas

Called the Human Bathyscaphe

He's King of Expertise

So if someone wants to know

And asks you where I am

You say you saw me go

For a swim with Sam

Sam here says they call him 'nice'

And that it makes him really sick

That his 'nice' is like 'polite'

And silence does the trick

Sam here says he'd like to go

Somewhere far away from here

To a sea that no one knows

To completely disappear

So if someone wants to know

And asks you where I am

You say you saw me go

For a swim with Sam

Don't try to talk me out of this

Not while I'm here in Carla's seat

'The sea has many drops of water

But the salt won't let you taste the sweet'

Go, go!