Lyrics 69 Chambers

69 Chambers

And Then There Was Silence

Facts against the world

No one breathes a word

The moment sags quietly

Under the weight of dirt

Shadows unfold

** without a soul

Some secrets remain untold

Nobody must know


And then there was silence

Passive aggressive violence

So damn loud it’s hard to bear

But the machine keeps on rolling

For silence to cut through the air

And you don’t care

Repeat the downfall

Until the death bell tolls

Breaking all brick walls

Walls meant to stand tall

Are there armies

Legions somewhere out there

Waiting to brave apathy

Defy hypocrisy?

[Repeat chorus]

A mask for a face

Without a future

Keep marching in line

Never to ask yourself when or why

The dead ash pit of sky

Had sucked out all life

[Repeat chorus]